内容 | 行数 | 比率 |
コメント行数 | 281 | 27% |
空行行数 | 207 | 20% |
実行行数 | 548 | 53% |
合計行数 | 1036 | 100% |
内容 | 定義数 |
関数数 | 63 |
No. | 型 | 名称 | 属性 | 説明 |
1 |
Function | TkBeep | void | Beep |
2 |
Function | TkExit | void | Exit |
3 |
Function | TkUpdateStatus | void | Display the application name plus "str" as the window title. |
4 |
Function | TkTextClear | void | Clear XmText's XmNvalue |
5 |
Function | TkTextStore | void | Store "txt" as XmText's XmNvalue |
6 |
Function | TkTextRetrieve | char * | Get XmText's XmNvalue |
7 |
Function | TkTextChanged | Has Text Changed? | |
8 |
Function | TkTextActUnchangedSince | void | Set "Since" point for text change |
9 |
Function | TkTextChangedSince | Has Text Changed Since? | |
10 |
Static | TkPaneInit | static void | Initialize Paned Window support |
11 |
Static | TkPaneTarget | static Widget | Get Pane Target |
12 |
Static | TkPaneForText | static int | Return index of the pane which holds Text Widget "w" |
13 |
Static | TkPaneDelete | static void | Delete Text Pane |
14 |
Static | TkPaneAppend | static void | Append a new Text Pane |
15 |
Static | TkPaneRemove | static void | Remove the target Text Pane |
16 |
Static | TkPaneOne | static void | Remove all panes but the target Text Pane |
17 |
Function | TkArrangeToOpen | void | Arrange FSB to Open |
18 |
Static | TkArrangeToSave | static void | Arrange FSB to Save |
19 |
Static | TkArrangeToCopy | static void | Arrange FSB to Copy |
20 |
Static | TkArrangeToMove | static void | Arrange FSB to Move |
21 |
Function | TkAskFileToOpen | void | Post FSB for Opening |
22 |
Function | TkAskFileToSave | void | Post FSB for Saving |
23 |
Function | TkAskFileToCopy | void | Post FSB for Copying |
24 |
Function | TkAskFileToMove | void | Post FSB for Moving |
25 |
Function | TkDoneAskingFile | void | Unpost file selection box |
26 |
Static | TkGetFilename | static char * | Get Filename selected in FSB |
27 |
Function | TkWarn | void | Warn couldn't open |
28 |
Function | TkWarnAndAskFileToSave | void | Post FSB for Saving, and warn |
29 |
Function | TkQuestionRemove | void | Question about Removing |
30 |
Function | TkAskSave | void | Post Save Dialog |
31 |
Function | TkDoneAskingSave | void | Unpost Save Dialog |
32 |
Function | TkInit | ||
33 |
Function | ToggleOpCB | XtCallbackProc | User toggled among Open/Save/Copy/Move |
34 |
Function | ToggleKeepFileDialogueCB | XtCallbackProc | User toggled whether or not FSB should stay mapped |
35 |
Function | ToggleRevertToOpenCB | XtCallbackProc | User toggled whether operation should revert to Open after selecting a file |
36 |
Function | TextGainFocusCB | XtCallbackProc | A text pane gained focus |
37 |
Function | TextLoseFocusCB | XtCallbackProc | A text pane lost focus |
38 |
Function | TextGainPrimaryCB | XtCallbackProc | A text pane became owner of the primary selection |
39 |
Function | TextLosePrimaryCB | XtCallbackProc | A text pane lost ownership of the primary selection |
40 |
Function | TextChangedCB | XtCallbackProc | The text was modified |
41 |
Function | OkFileCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed the FSB's Ok button |
42 |
Function | CancelFileCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed the FSB's Cancel button |
43 |
Function | SaveYesCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Yes when asked about saving the File |
44 |
Function | SaveNoCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed No when asked about saving the File |
45 |
Function | SaveCancelCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Cancel when asked about saving the File |
46 |
Function | WarnCancelCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Cancel when warned |
47 |
Function | QuestionYesCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Yes when questioned about remving the file |
48 |
Function | NewCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed New in the File Menu |
49 |
Function | OpenCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Open in the File Menu |
50 |
Function | SaveCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Save in the File Menu |
51 |
Function | SaveAsCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Save As in the File Menu |
52 |
Function | CopyFileCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Copy in the File Menu |
53 |
Function | MoveFileCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Move in the File Menu |
54 |
Function | RemoveCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Remove in the File Menu |
55 |
Function | ExitCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Exit in the File Menu |
56 |
Function | CutCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Cut in the Edit Menu |
57 |
Function | CopyCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Copy in the Edit Menu |
58 |
Function | PasteCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Paste in the Edit Menu |
59 |
Function | ClearCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Clear in the Edit Menu |
60 |
Function | DeleteCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Delete in the Edit Menu |
61 |
Function | SplitCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Split in the View Menu |
62 |
Function | RemovePaneCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed Remove Pane in the View Menu |
63 |
Function | OnePaneCB | XtCallbackProc | The user pressed One Pane in the View Menu |
目次 | ファイル一覧 | 関数一覧 | ネームスペース一覧 | クラス一覧 | #define一覧 | マクロ一覧 | 外部変数一覧 | 構造体一覧 | 共用体一覧 | 列挙体一覧 | Const一覧 | 索引 | サイドメニュー