構造体定義書 仕様書作成ツール【A HotDocument】



typedef struct _ClientData




No. 名称 属性説明
  dataType int client data type
  client Window  
  clientFlags long  
  icccVersion int  
  clientState int WM_HINTS field
  inputFocusModel int WM_HINTS field
  inputMode int  
  focusPriority long  
  clientID unsigned long  
  wmUnmapCount int  
  clientProtocols Atom * WM_PROTOCOLS
  clientProtocolCount int  
  protocolFlags long  
  mwmMessages long * _MWM_MESSAGES
  mwmMessagesCount int  
  clientColormap Colormap selected client colormap
  cmapWindows Window * from WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS
  clientCmapList Colormap *  
  clientCmapCount int len of clientCmapList
  clientCmapIndex int current cmap in list
  clientCmapFlags int * installed, uninstalled
  clientCmapFlagsInitialized Bool Are clientCmapFlags valid?
  clientEntry ClientListEntry  
  iconEntry ClientListEntry  
  windowGroup XID WM_HINTS field
  pIconBox IconBoxData * icon box for this win
  thisIconBox IconBoxData * icon box data for self
  grabContext Context used to support icon box
  transientFor Window transient for another win
  transientLeader _ClientData * trans leader of this win
  transientChildren _ClientData * transients of this win
  transientSiblings _ClientData * related transient win's
  primaryModalCount int primary modal win count
  fullModalCount int full modal win count
  clientClass String WM_CLASS field
  clientName String WM_CLASS filed
  clientDecoration long resource
  clientFunctions long resource
  focusAutoRaise Boolean resource
  iconImage String resource
  iconImageBackground Pixel resource
  iconImageBottomShadowColor Pixel resource
  iconImageBottomShadowPStr String resource
  iconImageBottomShadowPixmap Pixmap  
  iconImageForeground Pixel resource
  iconImageTopShadowColor Pixel resource
  iconImageTopShadowPStr String resource
  iconImageTopShadowPixmap Pixmap  
  internalBevel int resource
  matteBackground Pixel resource
  matteBottomShadowColor Pixel resource
  matteBottomShadowPStr String resource
  matteBottomShadowPixmap Pixmap  
  matteForeground Pixel resource
  matteTopShadowColor Pixel resource
  matteTopShadowPStr String resource
  matteTopShadowPixmap Pixmap  
  matteWidth int resource
  maximumClientSize WHSize resource
  systemMenu String resource
  mwmMenuItems MenuItem * custom menu items or NULL
  systemMenuSpec MenuSpec *  
  useClientIcon Boolean resource
  sizeFlags long WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  decor long client decoration
  decorFlags long depressed gadgets flags
  minWidth int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  minHeight int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  maxConfig Boolean True => use max config
  maxX int maximized window X loc
  maxY int maximized window Y loc
  maxWidthLimit int  
  maxWidth int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  maxHeightLimit int  
  maxHeight int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  widthInc int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  heightInc int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  minAspect AspectRatio WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  maxAspect AspectRatio WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  baseWidth int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  baseHeight int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  windowGravity int WM_NORMAL_HINTS field
  clientX int normal window X loc
  clientY int normal window Y loc
  clientWidth int normal window width
  clientHeight int normal window height
  clientOffset XPoint frame to client window
  clientTitle XmString WM_NAME field
  clientFrameWin Window top-level, frame window
  clientStretchWin[STRETCH_COUNT] Window for resizing border
  clientTitleWin Window for title bar
  clientBaseWin Window for matte & reparenting
  xBorderWidth int original X border width
  frameInfo FrameInfo frame geometry data
  pclientTopShadows RList * top shadow areas
  pclientBottomShadows RList * bottom shadow areas
  pclientTitleTopShadows RList * top shadow areas
  pclientTitleBottomShadows RList * bottom shadow areas
  pclientMatteTopShadows RList * matte top shadows
  pclientMatteBottomShadows RList * matte bottom shadows
  titleRectangle XRectangle title bar area
  pTitleGadgets GadgetRectangle * title bar gadgets
  cTitleGadgets int count of title rects
  pResizeGadgets GadgetRectangle * resize areas
  matteRectangle XRectangle matte / base window area
  clientMatteTopShadowGC GC  
  clientMatteBottomShadowGC GC  
  pSD WmScreenData * where visuals come from
  iconFlags long  
  iconTitle XmString WM_ICON_NAME field
  iconX int WM_HINTS field
  iconY int WM_HINTS field
  iconPlace int  
  iconFrameWin Window  
  iconPixmap Pixmap WM_HINTS field
  iconMask Pixmap WM_HINTS field
  iconWindow Window WM_HINTS field
  piconTopShadows RList * these change to
  piconBottomShadows RList * depressed icon image
  wShaped short this window has a bounding shape
  usePPosition int indicate whether to use PPosition
  window_status long used for Tear-off Menus

See Also

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