typedef struct _ClientData
No. | 名称 | 属性 | 説明 |
1 |
_ClientData | ||
dataType | int | client data type | |
client | Window | ||
clientFlags | long | ||
icccVersion | int | ||
clientState | int | WM_HINTS field | |
inputFocusModel | int | WM_HINTS field | |
inputMode | int | ||
focusPriority | long | ||
clientID | unsigned long | ||
wmUnmapCount | int | ||
clientProtocols | Atom * | WM_PROTOCOLS | |
clientProtocolCount | int | ||
protocolFlags | long | ||
mwmMessages | long * | _MWM_MESSAGES | |
mwmMessagesCount | int | ||
clientColormap | Colormap | selected client colormap | |
cmapWindows | Window * | from WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS | |
clientCmapList | Colormap * | ||
clientCmapCount | int | len of clientCmapList | |
clientCmapIndex | int | current cmap in list | |
clientCmapFlags | int * | installed, uninstalled | |
clientCmapFlagsInitialized | Bool | Are clientCmapFlags valid? | |
clientEntry | ClientListEntry | ||
iconEntry | ClientListEntry | ||
windowGroup | XID | WM_HINTS field | |
pIconBox | IconBoxData * | icon box for this win | |
thisIconBox | IconBoxData * | icon box data for self | |
grabContext | Context | used to support icon box | |
transientFor | Window | transient for another win | |
transientLeader | _ClientData * | trans leader of this win | |
transientChildren | _ClientData * | transients of this win | |
transientSiblings | _ClientData * | related transient win's | |
primaryModalCount | int | primary modal win count | |
fullModalCount | int | full modal win count | |
clientClass | String | WM_CLASS field | |
clientName | String | WM_CLASS filed | |
clientDecoration | long | resource | |
clientFunctions | long | resource | |
focusAutoRaise | Boolean | resource | |
iconImage | String | resource | |
iconImageBackground | Pixel | resource | |
iconImageBottomShadowColor | Pixel | resource | |
iconImageBottomShadowPStr | String | resource | |
iconImageBottomShadowPixmap | Pixmap | ||
iconImageForeground | Pixel | resource | |
iconImageTopShadowColor | Pixel | resource | |
iconImageTopShadowPStr | String | resource | |
iconImageTopShadowPixmap | Pixmap | ||
internalBevel | int | resource | |
matteBackground | Pixel | resource | |
matteBottomShadowColor | Pixel | resource | |
matteBottomShadowPStr | String | resource | |
matteBottomShadowPixmap | Pixmap | ||
matteForeground | Pixel | resource | |
matteTopShadowColor | Pixel | resource | |
matteTopShadowPStr | String | resource | |
matteTopShadowPixmap | Pixmap | ||
matteWidth | int | resource | |
maximumClientSize | WHSize | resource | |
systemMenu | String | resource | |
mwmMenuItems | MenuItem * | custom menu items or NULL | |
systemMenuSpec | MenuSpec * | ||
useClientIcon | Boolean | resource | |
sizeFlags | long | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
decor | long | client decoration | |
decorFlags | long | depressed gadgets flags | |
minWidth | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
minHeight | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
maxConfig | Boolean | True => use max config | |
maxX | int | maximized window X loc | |
maxY | int | maximized window Y loc | |
maxWidthLimit | int | ||
maxWidth | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
maxHeightLimit | int | ||
maxHeight | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
widthInc | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
heightInc | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
minAspect | AspectRatio | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
maxAspect | AspectRatio | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
baseWidth | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
baseHeight | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
windowGravity | int | WM_NORMAL_HINTS field | |
clientX | int | normal window X loc | |
clientY | int | normal window Y loc | |
clientWidth | int | normal window width | |
clientHeight | int | normal window height | |
clientOffset | XPoint | frame to client window | |
clientTitle | XmString | WM_NAME field | |
clientFrameWin | Window | top-level, frame window | |
clientStretchWin[STRETCH_COUNT] | Window | for resizing border | |
clientTitleWin | Window | for title bar | |
clientBaseWin | Window | for matte & reparenting | |
xBorderWidth | int | original X border width | |
frameInfo | FrameInfo | frame geometry data | |
pclientTopShadows | RList * | top shadow areas | |
pclientBottomShadows | RList * | bottom shadow areas | |
pclientTitleTopShadows | RList * | top shadow areas | |
pclientTitleBottomShadows | RList * | bottom shadow areas | |
pclientMatteTopShadows | RList * | matte top shadows | |
pclientMatteBottomShadows | RList * | matte bottom shadows | |
titleRectangle | XRectangle | title bar area | |
pTitleGadgets | GadgetRectangle * | title bar gadgets | |
cTitleGadgets | int | count of title rects | |
pResizeGadgets | GadgetRectangle * | resize areas | |
matteRectangle | XRectangle | matte / base window area | |
clientMatteTopShadowGC | GC | ||
clientMatteBottomShadowGC | GC | ||
pSD | WmScreenData * | where visuals come from | |
iconFlags | long | ||
iconTitle | XmString | WM_ICON_NAME field | |
iconX | int | WM_HINTS field | |
iconY | int | WM_HINTS field | |
iconPlace | int | ||
iconFrameWin | Window | ||
iconPixmap | Pixmap | WM_HINTS field | |
iconMask | Pixmap | WM_HINTS field | |
iconWindow | Window | WM_HINTS field | |
piconTopShadows | RList * | these change to | |
piconBottomShadows | RList * | depressed icon image | |
wShaped | short | this window has a bounding shape | |
usePPosition | int | indicate whether to use PPosition | |
window_status | long | used for Tear-off Menus |
目次 | ファイル一覧 | 関数一覧 | ネームスペース一覧 | クラス一覧 | #define一覧 | マクロ一覧 | 外部変数一覧 | 構造体一覧 | 共用体一覧 | 列挙体一覧 | Const一覧 | 索引 | サイドメニュー