構造体定義書 Silverlight 仕様書



struct _GAtServer




No. 名称 属性説明
  ref_count gint Ref count
  v250 v250_settings V.250 command setting
  channel GIOChannel * Server IO
  read_watch guint GSource read id, 0 if none
  write_watch guint GSource write id, 0 if none
  read_so_far guint Number of bytes processed
  user_disconnect GAtDisconnectFunc User disconnect func
  user_disconnect_data gpointer User disconnect data
  debugf GAtDebugFunc Debugging output function
  debug_data gpointer Data to pass to debug func
  command_list GHashTable * List of AT commands
  read_buf ring_buffer * Current read buffer
  write_queue GQueue * Write buffer queue
  max_read_attempts guint Max reads per select
  parser_state ParserState  
  destroyed gboolean Re-entrancy guard
  last_line char * Last read line
  cur_pos unsigned int Where we are on the line
  last_result GAtServerResult  
  processing_cmdline gboolean  
  final_sent gboolean  
  final_async gboolean  

See Also

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