構造体定義書 VC2010



Little Endian

struct arbelprm_completion_queue_context_st




No. 名称 属性説明
arbelprm_completion_queue_context_st  Little Endian
  reserved0[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  st[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t Event delivery state machine
  reserved1[0x00005] pseudo_bit_t  
  oi[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t When set, overrun ignore is enabled.
  reserved2[0x0000a] pseudo_bit_t  
  status[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t CQ status
  start_address_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Start address of CQ[63:32].
  start_address_l[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Start address of CQ[31:0].
  usr_page[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t UAR page this CQ can be accessed through (ringinig CQ doorbells)
  log_cq_size[0x00005] pseudo_bit_t Log (base 2) of the CQ size (in entries).
  reserved3[0x00003] pseudo_bit_t  
  reserved4[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t  
  c_eqn[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t Event Queue this CQ reports completion events to.
  reserved5[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t  
  pd[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t Protection Domain to be used to access CQ.
  reserved6[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  l_key[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Memory key (L_Key) to be used to access CQ
  last_notified_indx[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Maintained by HW.
  solicit_producer_indx[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Maintained by HW.
  consumer_counter[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Consumer counter is a 32bits counter that is incremented for each CQE pooled from the CQ.
  producer_counter[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Producer counter is a 32bits counter that is incremented for each CQE that is written by the HW to the CQ.
  cqn[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t CQ number. Least significant bits are constrained by the position of this CQ in CQC table
  reserved7[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  cq_ci_db_record[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Index in the UAR Context Table Entry.
  cq_state_db_record[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Index in the UAR Context Table Entry.
  reserved8[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t  

See Also

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