構造体定義書 VC2010



struct screeninfo




No. 名称 属性説明
  xres __u32 visible resolution
  yres __u32  
  xres_virtual __u32 virtual resolution
  yres_virtual __u32  
  xoffset __u32 offset from virtual to visible
  yoffset __u32 resolution
  bits_per_pixel __u32 guess what
  grayscale __u32 != 0 Graylevels instead of colors
  red fb_bitfield bitfield in fb mem if true color,
  green fb_bitfield else only length is significant
  blue fb_bitfield  
  transp fb_bitfield transparency
  nonstd __u32 != 0 Non standard pixel format
  activate __u32 see FB_ACTIVATE_*
  height __u32 height of picture in mm
  width __u32 width of picture in mm
  accel_flags __u32 acceleration flags (hints)
  pixclock __u32 pixel clock in ps (pico seconds)
  left_margin __u32 time from sync to picture
  right_margin __u32 time from picture to sync
  upper_margin __u32 time from sync to picture
  lower_margin __u32  
  hsync_len __u32 length of horizontal sync
  vsync_len __u32 length of vertical sync
  sync __u32 sync polarity
  vmode __u32 interlaced etc
  reserved[6] __u32 Reserved for future compatibility

See Also

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